IV - The Emperor

I don't remember the last time I slept.

The refill date on the pill-bottle has been scratched out.

Over a week ago?

I guess it's been about that.

No worries.

Been listening to the radio.

Sometimes old jazz,
or grainy country,
or what they call rap these days.

A lot of static.

Full volume,
fuck these thin walls.

I was waiting for it.

Those bent notes and that warping siren's call.

The signal,
the message,

this cry for help.

I sat there like a hunter,
ready to record the broadcast the second those scratchy,
haunting notes began.

I've been listening to that recording over and over.

I can't make it out,

they may be speaking backwards.

But it's obvious what they're saying.

They're in danger,

and this is their only way of getting help.

I don't know who they are,
or how I can help, but I don't think anyone else has heard the signals I have.

I might be all they have.

I think I have to do something.

(Files attached from Decay Log: “Images” and deemed “Non-Anomalous Images” by Tesseract Agent Codename: SignalSam)

(Files attached from Decay Log: “Images” and deemed “Non-Anomalous Images” by Tesseract Agent Codename: SignalSam)